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What is Sandalwood?

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What is Sandalwood?

Sandalwood is a tree species of tropical origin belonging to the Santalaceae family, which is preferred with its beautiful fragrances spread in various cultures. Sandalwood, which is preferred because of its pleasant smell and many health benefits, is currently used in vast geography in its fragrance properties. Although its homeland is generally designated as India, it shows a tree species characteristic that grows widely in South Asia and the Australian continent.

Up to 800 meters, it is seen in many places, but it grows naturally in the Mediterranean Basin and Maki, in the red pine forests, in arid, rocky areas. There is no soil selectivity. It is also used as a Christmas flower because it bears red fruit towards Christmas. The root structure goes very deep. The wood texture is smooth; the body structure is complex. Timber has no value. But it is uninhabited.

According to many studies conducted worldwide, it has been found to contain materials useful for human health. It is known to contain very high-quality essential oil and the most appreciated, high-quality Woody male fragrances. But in our country, there are almost no studies on sandalwood.

Features of Sandalwood 

Sandalwood makes multiple trunks, and its twig and boxes are curved. As the trunk and branches thicken, just as the snake changes the shell, the trunk and branch shells peel to the membrane's thickness. Here are the primary and valuable tile-colored; peeled trunk membranes are an essential material of sandalwood. It has been a vital landscape material because the trunk bark is red, its leaves are always green and bright, the linear characters and mobility in its branches, the visuals it creates, and many stems come out of the green. Besides, oil is obtained from its components from wood by steam distillation, and its finely chopped branches are used as incense, which creates an incredible smell. As the tree ages, the fat ratio increases, the value of medical supplies grows. Its charm and red cherry-like fruit and hard body have always been an attractive element for Gypsies on their migration routes; wherever they see sandalwood, they stay there. 

How Does Sandalwood Smell?

Apart from oil, sandalwood is the smell of space, which is the area in which it is mainly used and has many benefits and spiritual cleansing. Thanks to the sandalwood incense obtained from the branches of the sandalwood, you can have a delightful, fruity, sweet, and woody smell. The most important point that stands out as sandalwood's smell characteristics is that it has a structure that activates brain functions. In other words, its exquisite smell causes positive movement in the brain's channels, helping to remove unwanted conditions such as anxiety, anxiety, stress. Besides, it has been a preferred tree incense since ancient times due to the healing it provides and the smell of sandalwood, which significantly affects skin health. Sandalwood has a prominent structure not only as fragrance properties but also in the care of oil. Sandalwood oil derived from its roots and trunk is now widely used in cosmetics, cleaning, and skincare.

Sandalwood, which has entered many ancient cultures in terms of its fragrance characteristics, is used as part of the ritual, especially in religious ceremonies. These properties show a plant characteristic that is still widely used today in practices such as meditation or yoga.

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